Finding the queen in a hive is one of the most important tasks for a beekeeper. The queen plays a key role in the life of the bee colony, so identifying her is critically important for the health and productivity of the hive. In this article, we will discuss how to find the queen in a hive and share tips on how to quickly locate the queen in a bee family.

Why is it important to find the queen?

The queen is responsible for laying eggs, including those that become new bees. The entire hive's health and productivity depend on her well-being. If the queen is weak or dead, it can lead to a decrease in the bee population and honey production. Therefore, it is important to periodically check the presence and condition of the queen in the hive. Choosing quality hives is also key to successful beekeeping. Buying hives from Apix ensures comfort and protection for your bees.

How to prepare for finding the queen?

Before searching for the queen, it is necessary to prepare. Here are a few recommendations:

  1. Wear a protective suit – this will protect you from bee stings.
  2. Take a smoker – smoke helps calm the bees and makes working in the hive easier.
  3. Gather the necessary tools – frame lifter, bee brush, and extra frames.

How to find the queen in a bee family?

  1. Open the hive: First, gently open the hive, using the smoker to calm the bees. Remove the lid and top frames.
  2. Inspect the frames: Start inspecting the frames from the edges. The queen is usually located closer to the center of the hive, where it is warmer and more protected.
  3. Look for a large bee: The queen bee is significantly larger than worker bees and has a long abdomen. She also moves more slowly and is often surrounded by attendant bees.
  4. Use marked queens: If the queen was previously marked with colored paint (beekeepers often mark queens for easier identification), this will greatly simplify the task.
  5. Pay attention to the behavior of the bees: Attendant bees often form a circle around the queen and feed her. This behavior can help you locate the queen faster.
  6. Use a magnifying glass: If the queen is not immediately visible, using a magnifying glass can help you spot her among the other bees.

Tips for quickly finding the queen

  • Look on the sunny side of the hive: The queen is often found on the side of the hive that receives more light and warmth.
  • Look in the center of the hive: The queen is most often found on frames with eggs and young larvae.
  • Use special frames: Some beekeepers use special frames with open brood, where the likelihood of finding the queen is higher.

Knowing how to find the queen bee is crucial for successful beekeeping. By following our recommendations and applying experience, you will be able to quickly find the queen in a bee family and ensure the health and productivity of your hive.